Rabu, 06 November 2013

Libre Office adalah software office gratis yang keunggulan serta fitur fiturnya tidak kalah dengan software berbayar seperti Microsoft Office.
Dan software ini sangat cocok bagi kalian yang senang sama software software open source,sehingga dengan software ini sobat tidak perlu sibuk sibuk mencari keygen,crack dan hal hal lainnya yang berbau pembobolan,sehingga sobat terbebas dari Dosa hehhehehe.
berikut sedikit riview tentang software libre office yang sobat bisa terjemahkan sendiri hehehehe:
LibreOffice is a feature-packed and mature desktop productivity package with some really great advantages:
  • It's free – no worry about license costs or annual fees.
  • No language barriers – it's available in a large number of languages, with more being added continually.
  • LGPL public license – you can use it, customize it, hack it and copy it with free user support and developer support from our active worldwide community and our large and experienced developer team.
  • LibreOffice is a free software community-driven project: development is open to new talent and new ideas, and our software is tested and used daily by a large and devoted user community; you, too, can get involved and influence its future development.
LibreOffice gives you high quality:
  • The roots of LibreOffice go back 20 years. This long history means it's a stable and functional product.
  • Thousands of users worldwide regularly take part in beta testing of new LibreOffice versions.
  • Because the development process is completely open, LibreOffice has been extensively tested by security experts, giving you security and peace of mind.
LibreOffice is user-friendly:
  • You get a simple-to-use yet powerful interface that is easy to personalize – Microsoft Office users will find the switch easy and painless, with a familiar look and feel.
  • Compatible with all major competitors' file formats. You can easily import files from Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint and many other formats, and can easily save to Microsoft Office and other formats when needed.
  • LibreOffice is supported by a big worldwide community: volunteers help newcomers, and advanced users and developers can collaborate with you to find solutions to complex issues.

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